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Is Sexual Harassment Part Of the Job as a Waitress?

Torso of waitress taking an order

Sexual harassment is a hot topic in the news lately. But did you know it's also a reality for many women working in the service industry? Waitresses, in particular, often face sexual harassment from customers and superiors as part of their job. This does not have to be normalized; there are things you can do to protect yourself. Our West Virginia sexual harassment attorneys discuss the hostile conditions waitresses may face in the workplace and what can be done to fight back against sexual harassment.

The Shocking Statistics

  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reports that 37% of sexual harassment claims come from the restaurant industry from both women and men.
  • More than 70% of female restaurant employees have been sexually harassed, one recent survey found.
  • While women make up roughly half of restaurant employees overall, about two-thirds of tipped employees report sexual harassment at higher rates than their non-tipped colleagues.

These statistics are only the tip of the iceberg considering that many women may not feel comfortable speaking up or fear retaliation from their employers.

What Waitresses Often Face

In some cases, waitresses may even face pressure to exchange sexual favors for better tips or advancement opportunities within the company. This type of behavior is not acceptable and should not be tolerated.

What Can Be Done

  • Get to safety- If you are currently experiencing harassment, it's important to remove yourself from the situation and ensure your physical safety.
  • Report the harassment- Whether it's to a supervisor, human resources, or even law enforcement, reporting harassment is crucial in stopping and preventing it from happening to others.
  • Keep a record- Keeping a record of the harassment can be helpful in any legal action that may follow. This can include saving emails or text messages, writing down dates and times of incidents, and keeping any other evidence.
  • Seek legal help- Our West Virginia sexual harassment attorneys can provide guidance and support in protecting your rights a holding those responsible accountable.

Bailess Law Firm PLLC Can Help

Our team of attorneys is dedicated to fighting for the rights of employees who have faced sexual harassment in the workplace. If you or someone you know has experienced sexual harassment as a waitress, contact us for a free consultation. No one should have to tolerate sexual harassment as part of their job. It's important to speak up and take action to protect yourself and make your workplace a safe environment for all.

Contact us today at (304) 841-0037 or through our online contact form.