We Help Restore Dignity And
Bring Hope To Our Clients

Employment Lawyers in Charleston, West Virginia

Also Serving all of West Virginia, Morgantown, Clarksburg and Parkersburg

With Bailess Law Firm, you can expect unmatched representation. We pride ourselves on our dedication to our clients. A trusted name in West Virginia employment law, Bailess Law Firm focuses on cases involving workplace sexual harassment or retaliation. If you've been sexually harassed by an employer or were targeted for reporting unsafe conditions or unlawful treatment, we can help you fight for the accountability and compensation you deserve.

Skilled Legal Counsel & Compassionate Support for Employees Facing Sexual Harassment or Retaliation in West Virginia

You work hard to make ends meet, and you have a right to do it in an environment that's safe and free from harassment, retaliation, and other types of mistreatment or abuse. Unfortunately, not all employers are committed to making the workplace safe for their employees.

If you were sexually harassed on the job or became a target of retaliation after reporting harassment or unsafe working conditions, it's easy to feel like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place with no good options. You could stay in the job and continue to endure a hostile or degrading work environment or speak up and risk losing your income. 

Whether you've already been forced out of your job or are still there debating what to do next, one thing is certain: You need a skilled employment attorney. Thankfully, you've come to the right firm.

Hear Hear Why Our Clients Trust Us

Reviews & Testimonials
    “They were so very helpful”
    “They were so very helpful”
    - Jessica M.
    “Todd provides all clients with exacting and thoughtful legal services.”
    “Todd provides all clients with exacting and thoughtful legal services enhanced by his ongoing education and expertise in the field of employment law.”
    - Beth K.
    “Bailess are always putting their clients first”
    “Always putting their clients first and helping every step of the way.”
    - Darin B.
    “I’m honored to have been represented by such an amazing firm!”
    “Todd and his team are the most caring group of people I’ve ever met”
    - Kelsey W.
    “I wholeheartedly recommend Todd Bailess”
    “Todd Bailess handled all of these issues with patience and professionalism”
    - Rene D.
    “Highly recommend Bailess lawfirm”
    “They truly make you feel comfortable and like part of their family”
    - Angela D.
    “This is a firm you can trust.”
    “This is a firm you can trust.”
    - Brayson V.
    “Very polite and welcoming people”
    “All around great company!”
    - Alexis W.

Honest, Understanding, & Experienced

At Bailess Law Firm, we understand how frightening and unsettling it can be to suddenly find yourself without a job or a source of income — and we're here to help. Forget everything you've heard about "at-will" employment; there are exceptions to protect you from an employer's unlawful behavior. 

Talk to us about your case. We'll listen without judgment, explain your legal rights and potential options for compensation, and work to build a strong case for damages.

Call (304) 841-0037 or contact us online to discuss your case with an employment lawyer in Charleston, WV.

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It's Not Your Fault: How to Fight Back Against Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Working in a toxic environment polluted with sexual harassment, discrimination & retaliation?

Our Results

Recent Case Victories

Our top priority is to devise customized legal strategies that are tailored to the unique legal needs of our clients, no matter how simple or complicated their situations, might be.

  • 5 Million Recovered over $5 million for thousands of West Virginia workers.

    Our experienced attorney recovered over $5 Million for thousands of West Virginia workers that had their wages withheld.

  • 1 Million Relentless Sexual Harassment by a Supervisor

    We represented female employees who endured relentless sexual harassment in the workplace by their supervisor.

  • Bailess Law Firm Brings Hope to Expectant Mom in Pregnancy Discrimination Case Against National Hotel Chain

    We helped her gather all of the pertinent documentation and evidence that proved her employer discriminated against her because of her pregnancy. Through the expectant mom’s perseverance to hold the ...

  • 1.5 Million Recovered over $1.5 million in a workplace sexual harassment case.

    Our experienced employment law attorneys recovered over $1.5 million in a workplace sexual harassment case.

  • National Cookie Chain Failed to Protect Its Female Employees

    Through the combined efforts of our legal team and our clients’ steadfast resolve, we were able to hold the company accountable, forcing them to reevaluate and enforce their sexual harassment policies ...

  • Bailess Law Firm Restores the Dignity of Longtime Charleston, West Virginia Employee in Disability Discrimination Case

    At the outset, we met and talked to the worker, and thoroughly explained the legal process of a disability discrimination case. From there, we worked with him to gather all the pertinent documentation ...

  • WV Coal Company Held Accountable For Wrongful Termination

    In the end, we were able to obtain an excellent result for our client. Although our client should have never lost his job in the first place, we are so appreciative to take part in helping him restore ...

  • Bailess Law Firm Restores Dignity of Single Mother After Sexual Harassment at WV Oil & Gas Company

    Through the combined efforts of our legal team and our client’s unwavering determination, we were able to hold the company accountable and obtain a life changing result for the single mother.

  • West Virginia Association for Justice
  • The West Virginia Bar Association


Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 304-841-0037 today!

  • How much does it cost to hire an attorney to fight sexual harassment in the workplace?

    If sexual harassment at work has turned your shifts into waking nightmares and HR took no steps to resolve the issue (or you were too afraid to report it), it's likely time to hire an employment attorney to help you fight back against this insidious, illegal, and all-too-common form of discrimination. Unfortunately, no matter how bad the harassment's gotten or how hostile the working environment has become, you may be reluctant to contact an attorney. This could be for any number of reasons but, in our experience, it's often due to concerns about the high cost of legal counsel. Don't let this misconception deter you from seeking the damages—and the justice—you deserve. Here's what you need to know.

    Let Us Help You Level the Playing Field

    Employers who are engaging in, or turning a blind eye to, workplace sexual harassment work hard to make you think that they have the power—and the financial resources—and you don't. Hiring an attorney to represent you not only levels the legal playing field between you and your employer, it can actually maximize the value of your case. Best of all, it costs you absolutely nothing.

    At Bailess Law Firm, our caring and capable team of West Virginia employment attorneys help clients navigate the complex litigation process. We know you've been through a lot, which can make it difficult to know who to trust. We're mindful of these concerns, which is why values like integrity, honesty, transparency, and discretion are key pillars of our practice. At every point, we want you to feel confident in our counsel.

    On-the-Job Sexual Harassment Comes in Many Forms

    Survivors often doubt and minimize their experiences with workplace sexual harassment. Clients sometimes come to us concerned that they're "making something out of nothing." Rest assured, in our many years of practice, that's rarely if ever, been the case. Far more often, these survivors have fallen for the misconception that if their employer didn't offer them something in exchange for sex, or threaten to fire them if they didn't comply with sexual demands, they didn't experience "true" sexual harassment. Let's lay this myth to rest once and for all. Not all harassment is "quid pro quo" harassment. In fact, hostile work environment harassment, which involves a barrage of unwanted sexual jokes, comments, and other actions that make the workplace offensive or intimidating, is much more common.

    The "Cost" of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

    Don't take for granted the effects that being targeted for continual sexual harassment can have on you as a survivor. From interfering with your job performance to inflicting lasting emotional distress, on-the-job sexual harassment inflicts real harm. We can help you hold your employer accountable.

    We Assume the Expense and Risk of Litigation, So You Pay Nothing—Ever

    If we accept your workplace sexual harassment case, we front all costs of litigation and assume the associated risk. You pay nothing out of pocket. Ever. No matter what. 

    Who Pays Our Fee If We Win Your Case: Understanding Fee-Shifter Agreements

    You might find yourself worrying that nothing comes for free—especially legal representation—and that someone will inevitably have to pay us for our legal services at some point. That's true, but you never have to pay anything out of pocket.  We do not get paid unless you recover damages from your case.

    Talk to Us About Your Workplace Sexual Harassment Case

    Contact Bailess Law Firm to schedule an appointment for a free initial case review. We'll help you understand your legal rights and options, and determine whether your case and our firm are a good match. Don't wait—contact us today.

  • What does “quid pro quo” mean?

    Quid pro quo harassment is a form of illegal workplace discrimination. If you've been sexually propositioned at work, you may have heard the term “quid pro quo,” and wondered what it meant and whether it describes what you've experienced. Here's what you need to know about quid pro quo sexual harassment in West Virginia, including how our empathetic attorneys can help you recover damages if you've suffered this type of unlawful employment discrimination.

    Defining Quid Pro Quo Harassment and Learning to Recognize it in the Workplace

    Quid pro quo is a Latin phrase meaning “this for that,” “something for something,” or “a favor for a favor.” When used in a workplace setting, the term describes a particularly insidious type of sexual harassment in which a supervisor, manager, or business owner uses a worker's willingness—or unwillingness—to engage in sexual conduct as a basis for making decisions about their employment.

    Quid pro quo harassment is what comes to mind for most people when thinking of on-the-job sexual harassment, since it's the kind most commonly shown in pop culture. You may have seen this sort of harassment play out in popular movies like “Legally Blonde,” “Horrible Bosses” or “Disclosure.” Here are just a few examples of what it might look like in your workplace:

    • An employer decides whether to hire, promote, or fire you based on your acceptance or rejection of sexual advances or requests for sexual favors
    • A supervisor gives or promises raises, promotions, more favorable assignments or shifts, or other job-related opportunities in exchange for engaging in sexual acts
    • A manager threatens to reduce your hours, move you to a less favorable shift or position, fire you, or do something else to negatively affect your job or income if you refuse or discontinue sexual contact
    • An employer bases your performance review on whether you comply with their sexual demands, rather than how well you do your job

    Think you've experienced quid pro quo sexual harassment in employment? You may be entitled to compensation for damages.

    Legal Protections for Workers

    Sexually intimidating and harassing employees isn't just morally or ethically wrong, it's against the law. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits sex-based discrimination in employment, including sexual harassment, and applies to companies with 15 or more employees. The West Virginia Human Rights Act (WVHRA), which offers even broader protections, also prohibits employers from engaging in this type of illegal conduct. It applies to employers in the Mountain State with 12 or more workers.

    We Can Help You Hold Your Employer Accountable for Sexual Harassment

    Being subjected to quid pro quo harassment in the workplace can leave you feeling trapped and without options. Fortunately, that's not the case. You don't have to put up with poor treatment, give in to your boss's demands, or quit your job. At Bailess Law Firm, our caring and capable employment lawyers can help you file a claim to hold your employer accountable for their unlawful behavior. We'll work diligently to gather evidence to build a case that proves:

    • You were applying for a position or were employed at the company in question
    • You experienced unwanted sexual advances or requests for sexual favors
    • The person who harassed you was in a position of authority over you
    • Conditional job opportunities were based on your response to your harasser's sexual demands
    • You suffered harm as a result of the harassment you experienced

    If your claim is successful, you may be able to recover damages for lost wages, lost benefits, lost employment opportunities, and emotional distress—and even get your job back if you were fired.

    Talk to Us About Your Case

    Facing sexual harassment is challenging—and there's far too much at stake to go it alone. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a complimentary initial consultation to discuss your experiences and how our team can assist you.

  • Will anyone believe me if I file a sexual harassment claim?

    Sexual harassment can leave targets feeling embarrassed, isolated, and powerless. When this type of harassment happens in the workplace, potentially threatening employment or income, affected workers can be even more unsure what they should do, or if they should do anything at all. Sound familiar?

    If you're being sexually harassed on the job or subjected to a hostile work environment, you don't have to stay quiet and tolerate it. While the harasser may try to make you feel alone, or convince you that what you experienced wasn't a big deal, that you can't do anything about it, or that you won't be believed even if you do report their behavior, nothing could be further from the truth.

    Sexual harassment is common, damaging, and—most importantly—illegal. Facing sexual harassment or a hostile work environment? Our exceptional team of employment attorneys can help you hold the responsible party accountable. Here's what you should know.

    Providing Support For West Virginia Employment Sexual Harassment Survivors

    At Bailess Law Firm, our caring and conscientious employment lawyers help workplace sexual harassment survivors protect their rights and recover damages for losses related to these experiences. Every single person in our office is committed to providing a safe space for survivors to tell their stories, and receive the high-quality legal services and support needed to hold their employer accountable.

    We know you've been through a lot—and we're here to make the fight for justice as easy for you as possible. You can always count on us to believe you, listen without judgment, and serve as your fierce legal advocate throughout the litigation process. We're also sensitive to any concerns you may have about working with a male attorney, which is why we also have female attorneys and paralegals on staff to assist you.

    Recognizing Employment Sexual Harassment

    Workers who've faced harassment often worry that they won't be believed, especially if what they experienced doesn't necessarily match society's idea of sexual harassment. Usually, this is quid pro quo harassment in which a boss offers to promote—or threatens to fire—an employee depending on their willingness to submit to sexual contact.

    However, this isn't the only type of sexual harassment that can occur in an employment setting. Employment sexual harassment claims involving hostile work environments are even more common. These claims are based on a pattern of persistent and unwanted physical conduct and suggestive verbal actions that affects a worker's performance and result in an intimidating or offensive workplace. Examples include crude jokes, sexual innuendos, lewd remarks, and circulation of suggestive material.

    Is an employer or coworker's inappropriate conduct making your workplace uncomfortable, offensive, or unsafe? We may be able to help.

    Building a Strong Case For Damages

    Not being believed is a common fear among workers who've faced on-the-job sexual harassment. While people may have been less receptive to claims of sexual harassment in years past, the tide appears to be turning in favor of believing and supporting survivors.

    Regardless, at Bailess Law Firm, we'll do what we've always done—which is work to build a strong case for damages for each of our clients. We'll investigate the harassment, gather essential evidence, talk to people who witnessed the inappropriate conduct or experienced something similar, interview experts, and more to support your claim and maximize its value.

    What to Do If You're Facing Sexual Harassment at Work

    Report the harassment to a supervisor, your employer, an owner, or the company HR department as soon as possible. If you're being harassed by a supervisor, employee, or owner, consult a knowledgeable and experienced employment attorney for advice.

    Talk to Us About Your Sexual Harassment Claim

    Find out how Bailess Law Firm can help you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for an initial review of your employment sexual harassment or hostile work environment case.

  • Will anyone believe me if I file a sexual harassment claim?

    Sexual harassment can leave targets feeling embarrassed, isolated, and powerless. When this type of harassment happens in the workplace, potentially threatening employment or income, affected workers can be even more unsure what they should do, or if they should do anything at all. Sound familiar?

    If you're being sexually harassed on the job or subjected to a hostile work environment, you don't have to stay quiet and tolerate it. While the harasser may try to make you feel alone, or convince you that what you experienced wasn't a big deal, that you can't do anything about it, or that you won't be believed even if you do report their behavior, nothing could be further from the truth.

    Sexual harassment is common, damaging, and—most importantly—illegal. Facing sexual harassment or a hostile work environment? Our exceptional team of employment attorneys can help you hold the responsible party accountable. Here's what you should know.

    Providing Support For West Virginia Employment Sexual Harassment Survivors

    At Bailess Law Firm, our caring and conscientious employment lawyers help workplace sexual harassment survivors protect their rights and recover damages for losses related to these experiences. Every single person in our office is committed to providing a safe space for survivors to tell their stories, and receive the high-quality legal services and support needed to hold their employer accountable.

    We know you've been through a lot—and we're here to make the fight for justice as easy for you as possible. You can always count on us to believe you, listen without judgment, and serve as your fierce legal advocate throughout the litigation process. We're also sensitive to any concerns you may have about working with a male attorney, which is why we also have female attorneys and paralegals on staff to assist you.

    Recognizing Employment Sexual Harassment

    Workers who've faced harassment often worry that they won't be believed, especially if what they experienced doesn't necessarily match society's idea of sexual harassment. Usually, this is quid pro quo harassment in which a boss offers to promote—or threatens to fire—an employee depending on their willingness to submit to sexual contact.

    However, this isn't the only type of sexual harassment that can occur in an employment setting. Employment sexual harassment claims involving hostile work environments are even more common. These claims are based on a pattern of persistent and unwanted physical conduct and suggestive verbal actions that affects a worker's performance and result in an intimidating or offensive workplace. Examples include crude jokes, sexual innuendos, lewd remarks, and circulation of suggestive material.

    Is an employer or coworker's inappropriate conduct making your workplace uncomfortable, offensive, or unsafe? We may be able to help.

    Building a Strong Case For Damages

    Not being believed is a common fear among workers who've faced on-the-job sexual harassment. While people may have been less receptive to claims of sexual harassment in years past, the tide appears to be turning in favor of believing and supporting survivors.

    Regardless, at Bailess Law Firm, we'll do what we've always done—which is work to build a strong case for damages for each of our clients. We'll investigate the harassment, gather essential evidence, talk to people who witnessed the inappropriate conduct or experienced something similar, interview experts, and more to support your claim and maximize its value.

    What to Do If You're Facing Sexual Harassment at Work

    Report the harassment to a supervisor, your employer, an owner, or the company HR department as soon as possible. If you're being harassed by a supervisor, employee, or owner, consult a knowledgeable and experienced employment attorney for advice.

    Talk to Us About Your Sexual Harassment Claim

    Find out how Bailess Law Firm can help you. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for an initial review of your employment sexual harassment or hostile work environment case.

Why Choose Bailess Law Firm PLLC?

What Makes Us Different
  • Experienced and dedicated representation

    We put our extensive knowledge and skills to work for you, and we are committed to doing what is best for your case. That means we will never settle for less just to avoid going to trial.

  • Compassionate client support

    We know you've been through a lot, so we work diligently to make this difficult time as painless as possible, providing encouragement, guidance, validation, and support throughout the litigation process.

  • Honesty & Integrity

    When someone in a position of power has wronged you, it can be hard to know who to trust. We hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards so you can feel confident in our counsel.

  • Discretion & Confidentiality

    We value your confidentiality and the sensitive nature of being sexually harassed or retaliated against in the workplace. Conversations between attorneys and clients are protected, and your privacy is important to us.

  • Sensitivity & Understanding.
    If you’ve been sexually harassed at work, you may not feel comfortable discussing your experience with a male attorney. We’re mindful of your concerns and we have a team who can assist you comprised of a female attorney and paralegals.

Contact Bailess Law Firm PLLC Today!

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